JCA LIMITED endorses & Uses
portable mapper
We are delighted to announce that
Version v2-23-8 has been a collaboration between JCA Limited and Portable Mapper.
Struggling to find software to meet their needs, JCA approached us and after a year in development JCA have now successfully rolled out Portable Mapper across their entire arb team. JCA Managing Director, Jonathan Cocking is delighted by the increased productivity gains within his arboricultural team and is looking forward to working with Portable Mapper on the next project.
The latest version of Portable Mapper is available for download here
available for download now
Discover our new extensive tree pest and disease section included with selected tree survey modules.
Extracted from the Pest & Disease resources page of and covering all tree and woodland problems within the EU, you can be confident nothing has been missed.
As with all our modules your selections are saved and exported with your reports.
Simply download and install features update
1-6-6 available from our Download page.