Reports - very few people like doing them but we all need to. Been in this position myself and I'm not a fan either. After writing the Portable Mapper base program I set about creating tools to make life even easier and this was one of them.
But seriously, is this really possible ?
Well yes it is . Sometimes you need to take a step back and look from outside the box. The report generator simply exports all the data seen within the main map window. So once you've ensured the data layers are on or off as required and you've zoomed in or out to get the right view of your site then it really is one button to press. The output will be similar to the report examples shown. But of course Portable Mapper can't put the data in for you - that's just a step too far !
Reports can be generated for a BS5837 Tree Survey, Tree Risk Assessment or the new UK Habitats Biodiversity Net Gain Classifications.