Why use Microsoft Windows ?
A question I get asked a lot when most tablets are Mac or Android. There are many reasons for using Windows but far the most important are
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Easily produce a professional looking Tree Survey, Risk Assessment or Habitat drawing whilst on site
No need to wait to get back to the office for you or your team to produce later. You can produce the drawing on site and send straight away
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Is your handheld GPS as accurate as you think ?
GPS devices, they're everywhere, phone, car, cameras. But had you stopped for a moment to think about how reliable they are ?
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What if your report could be generated with just one button ?
Reports - very few people like doing them but we all need to. Been in this position myself and I'm not a fan either.
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Sharing your Portable Mapper field survey drawing in Google Maps
Imagine if you could upload your site survey to Google Maps then share a link to that site survey so that anyone on any device can use it.
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Edit Root Protection Area
A sensitive and debatable one this but in reality often considered necessary. Portable Mapper provide the tools and on screen guidance to ..
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